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[This Week On The Podcast] Market Structure and Certified Coffee Stocks with Judy Ganes

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Before we get started on this week’s podcast guest, I want to thank you for your support of what we’re doing on the podcast and at Map It Forward. We’re heading into serious challenges for coffee and Map It Forward is working very hard to bring the industry the best information to help you find solutions that will help you navigate this time.

When I started this podcast over 7 years ago, I was naive to how politicized commodities like coffee are. The level of fuckery that goes on behind the veil is dark stuff and the people who have tried to stop this podcast from going to air by offering to buy it or shut it down have, quite frankly, blown my mind.

We haven't had external brands sponsoring the podcast for over a year because they want to control what we discuss and, more importantly, what we don't discuss on the podcast. This happens in most media in the coffee industry but most of them have to take the money to stay in business.

Sponsors pay to have publications "not talk about certain things" like a "coffee crisis" because it puts a mood into the industry that spooks people from e.g. upgrading the equipment for their cafe if they know the reality rather than what their reps are telling them. Further, it stops investments from big industry because a narrative in the industry needs wide adoption before a “tool can be invested in” or a business can be funded by private equity.

Just like in any industry, the media has a big role to play in determining the narrative. Choose your media carefully and please consider asking what the agenda is of each publication. Not everything is as it seems in the coffee media.

For this reason, thank you for supporting this podcast. Map It Forward is independent and the only agenda we have is to get you information that helps me and you make better decisions to navigate this coffee crisis by thinking for yourself.

Whether you support us by sharing the podcast with others, being a paid member of our Youtube channel, purchasing Map It Forward online courses, watching a YouTube ad on our videos, using our consulting services to solve business problems, or backing Map It Forward on our all comes together to pay for the engine that turns The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by Map It Forward Podcast and keep it free from people who are trying to intimidate me into silence.

Now, speaking of the podcast, this week we have a series with everyone’s favourite guest over the years - the fabulous Judy Ganes.

This series is excellent and in it, Judy explains that we are in an unusual situation for the coffee market. We are in what is technically called "backwardation" (the price of contracts on the exchange decreases as we go into the future) and while we've seen this before in coffee, it hasn't been often.

Judy, the director of J Ganes Consulting, is a world-renowned market advisor with over 40 years of experience in the commodities sector.

In this series Judy gives us insight into "market structure" and "certified stocks" and why the situation we're facing at the moment isn't what the "typical" market is faced with.

The 5 episodes of this series are:

1. Normal Coffee Market Structures -

2. The Causes For Fluctuations in Certified Stocks -

3. The Relationship Between Prices and Overall Global Supply -

4. Backwardation, Differentials, and Volatility in the Coffee Market -

5. The Future of the Coffee Market -

I learned so much from this conversation and found it very helpful by giving me a deeper understanding of where we're at from a technical perspective in the market. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

New episodes of the podcast series also drop every weekday on podcast apps (search The Daily Coffee Pro by Map It Forward). YouTube and Patreon members have access to the whole series now.

If you love what we’re doing and want to support our work, please consider supporting us on Patreon.

You can look up the pricing on the ICE Exchange (C-Market) here:

Connect with Judy here:



Peace Love and Peanut Butter, Have a wonderful rest of your day!

Lee Safar

Map It Forward Founder

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